Sonata respects the symfony’s conventions about contributing to the code. So before going further please review the [contributing documentation of Symfony]( ## Reporting bugs If you happen to find a bug, we kindly request you to report it. However, before submitting it, please: * Check the [project documentation available online]( Then, if it appears that it’s a real bug, you may report it using Github by following these 3 points: * Check if the bug is not already reported! * A clear title to resume the issue * A description of the workflow needed to reproduce the bug, > _NOTE:_ Don’t hesitate giving as much information as you can (OS, PHP version extensions …) ## Sending a Pull Request When you send a PR, just make sure that: * You add valid test cases. * Tests are green. * The related documentation is up-to-date. * Also don't forget to add a comment when you update a PR with a ping to the maintainer (``@username``), so he/she will get a notification. ## Contributing to the documentation You need to install the python tool to check and validate the sphinx syntax: pip install -r Resources/doc/requirements.txt and you can check the documentation with the command: cd Resources/doc/ rm -rf _build && sphinx-build -W -b html -d _build/doctrees . _build/html The html will be available in the ``_build/html`` folder.