2.7.1 / 2015-11-17 ================== * Added support for Symfony 3 2.7.0 / 2015-09-01 ================== ### New features * Added configuration for ReactJsx filter * Upgraded the watch command to use Spork 0.3 * Added support for Twig 2 * Allow configuration of sass/scss filter sourcemap option * Add configuration for precision in the sass/scss filter * Treat NULL like "all bundles" in the config ### Bug fixes * Removed usage of the deprecated Symfony APIs for Symfony 2.7+ * Fix the asset cache in the controller to take the asset dependencies into account * Added "web" folder as a default load path for the sass filter 2.6.1 / 2015-01-27 ================== ### Bug fixes * Removed usage of the deprecated Symfony APIs for Symfony 2.6+ 2.6.0 / 2015-01-26 ================== ### New features * Allow configuration of sass/scss filter cache location folders. ### Bug fixes * Updated RequestListener to set additional format for SVG files * Clear PHP file stat cache on each watch iteration * Add a safeguard for template references without a bundle to be compatible with latest Symfony changes * Fix asset dumping with assets added by the DI tag * Change the Jsqueeze var renaming to a safer default (disabled by default) 2.5.0 / 2014-10-15 ================== ### New features * Added missing filter options for closure filters. * Added missing filter options for uglifyjs2 * Added `relative_assets` filter option for compass filter * Added ability to set cache_location for compass via configuration * Added the config for the JSqueeze filter * Added support of the boring option of the compass filter * Added the configuration for the autoprefixer filter * Added the config for the `no_header` option of the coffee filter * Added missing filter options for compass * Added the configuration for the csscachebusting filter * Added missing options for the gss filter * Added the configuration for the minifycsscompressor filter * Added the configuration for the packer filter * Added the configuration for the roole filter * Added missing options for the scssphp filter ### Bug fixes * Added "web" folder as a default load path for the scss filter * Skip assets created by the assetic.asset DI tag in the routing * Dumping leaf assets only if combine=true is not set 2.4.0 / 2014-09-04 ================== * Update to Assetic 1.2 ### New features * Added the configuration to use nib in the Stylus filter * Added the configuration for line breaks in YUI filters * Added `assetic:watch` to watch assets and deprecate `assetic:dump --watch` * Added a `--forks` option to distribute dumps between processes in `assetic:dump`, using Spork * Added the configuration for the CacheBustingWorker * Added ability to set load paths for less, sass and scss filters through configuration * Added defines parameter to uglifyjs & ugligyjs2 filters * Added support for logging twig templates with an error * Added the configuration for the emberprecompile filter ### Bug fixes * Fixed the controller and routing to support asset variables * Fixed the handling of the router resource type