{% extends 'uibase/main/one-col-base.html.twig' %} {% block content_header %} {% if categories is defined and categories is not empty %} {% endif %} {% if origin == 'NEW' %} DESIGN ONLINE : CHOOSE A TEMPLATE : {{ productname|upper }} {% if current_cat_name is defined %} : {{ current_cat_name|upper }} {% endif %}
{% if origin == 'NEW' %} {% if categories is empty %} Sorry, there are no templates available for the particular size and/or folding options you have chosen. {% else %}
{% if templatemax is defined %} WARNING: You already have 20 templates in your account. If you do not remove a template, your oldest template will be deleted when you save this new template. Templates may be removed from Manage Account -> Manage my online designs. {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if origin == 'SAVED' %} DESIGN ONLINE : CHOOSE FROM YOUR SAVED TEMPLATES {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if templates is empty and categories is empty %}No templates to display.{% endif %} {% if templates is empty and categories is not empty %}No templates to display, please choose a category.{% endif %} {% for tempaltegrp in templates|batch(2) %} {% for template in tempaltegrp %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{% if origin == 'SAVED' %} {% for image in template.images|slice(0,2) %} {% endfor %}
{{ template.templatename }}
{% elseif origin == 'NEW' %} {% for image in template.images|slice(0,2) %} {% endfor %}

{{ template.templatename }}

{% endif %}
{% if origin != 'SAVED' %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}