{% for lineitem in lineitems %}
{{ lineitem.name }} - printed on {% if lineitem.iscustom is defined %} {{ lineitem.paper }} Color- {{ lineitem.color }} Size - {{ lineitem.size }} Finishing - {{ lineitem.finishing }} {% if lineitem.quotefirst is defined %} QUOTE BEFORE PRINTING {% endif %} {% else %} {{ lineitem.printedsides }} side{% if lineitem.printedsides == 2 %}s{% endif %} per {{ lineitem.paper }} sheet. {{ lineitem.color }} Size - {{ lineitem.size }} {% for userbindery in lineitem.userbinderys %}{{ userbindery }}{% endfor %} {% if lineitem.pages is defined %} - {{ lineitem.pages }} pages per each finished qty{% endif %} {% endif %} Proof Selection - {{ lineitem.prooftext }} : ${{ lineitem.proofcost }} Date Requested - {{ lineitem.requestedby }} Comments - {{ lineitem.comments }} {% if lineitem.sysmsg != '' %} System Message: {{ lineitem.sysmsg }}{% endif %} {% if lineitem.pricedas is defined and lineitem.pricedas == 'offset' %} -- OFFSET PRINTED -- please allow 5-7 days to print.{% endif %}
{% if lineitem.artwork %} {% for artwork in lineitem.artwork %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
File(s) & Artwork:
{{ artwork.uploadedname }}
{% if fromHistory is defined and forprint is not defined %} {% endif %}
Qty: {{ lineitem.qty }}
{% if lineitem.quotedprice == 0 %}PRICE NOT QUOTED{% else %}${{ lineitem.quotedprice|number_format(2) }}{% endif %} {% if lineitem.proofcost != 0 %} | Proof Cost: ${{ lineitem.proofcost|number_format(2) }}{% endif %}
{% if foremail is defined or forprint is defined %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
Subtotal: ${% if subtotal is defined %} {{ subtotal|number_format(2) }}{% endif %} {% if so.subtotal is defined %} {{ so.subtotal|number_format(2) }}{% endif %}
Shipping:   $ {% if shiptotalso is defined %}{{ shiptotalso|number_format(2) }} {% elseif so.shipcost is defined %} {{ so.shipcost|number_format(2) }} {% else %}0{% endif %}
Tax:   $ {% if so.taxtotal is defined %}{{ so.taxtotal|number_format(2) }} {% elseif taxtotalso is defined %} {{ taxtotalso|number_format(2) }} {% else %}0{% endif %}
Total:   $ {% if grandtotalso is defined %}{{ grandtotalso|number_format(2) }} {% elseif so.total is defined%} {{ so.total|number_format(2) }} {% else %}--.--{% endif %}
{% if so is not defined %}
{% endif %} {% if fromHistory is defined %} {% endif %}