{% extends '@App/uibase/main/one-col-base.html.twig' %} {% block content_header %}SHOPPING CART:
{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if emptycart is defined %}


{% else %}

NOTE: You may add and remove artwork from any line item using the "plus" and "minus" icon in the File(s) & Artwork section for the associated line item. You may also adjust any line item's configuration by clicking the "gear" icon. After you make changes, click "Add to Cart". The cart will be updated and will reflect changes made to that line item. You may also change the quantity using the quantity field for each line item.

{% for key,lineitem in lineitems %}
{{ lineitem.name }} - printed on {% if lineitem.iscustom is defined %} {{ lineitem.paper }} Color- {{ lineitem.color }} Size - {{ lineitem.size }} Finishing - {{ lineitem.finishing }} {% if lineitem.quotefirst is defined %}QUOTE BEFORE PRINTING{% endif %} {% else %} {{ lineitem.printedsides }} side{% if lineitem.printedsides == 2 %}s{% endif %} per {{ lineitem.paper }} sheet. {{ lineitem.color }} Size - {{ lineitem.size }} {% for userbindery in lineitem.userbinderys %}{{ userbindery }}{% endfor %} {% if lineitem.pages is defined %}- {{ lineitem.pages }} pages per each finished qty{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if lineitem.quotefirst is defined %}QUOTE BEFORE PRINTING{% endif %} Proof Selection - {{ lineitem.prooftext }} : ${{ lineitem.proofcost }} Date Requested - {{ lineitem.requestedby }} Comments - {{ lineitem.comments }} {% if lineitem.sysmsg != '' %}System Message: {{ lineitem.sysmsg }}{% endif %} {% if lineitem.pricedas is defined and lineitem.pricedas == 'offset' %} -- OFFSET PRINTED -- please allow 5-7 days to print.{% endif %}

File(s) & Artwork:
{% if lineitem.artwork %}
{% for artwork in lineitem.artwork %}
{{ artwork.uploadedname }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Qty: {% if lineitem.qtytype == 1 %} {% elseif lineitem.qtytype == 2 %} {% elseif lineitem.qtytype == 3 %} {% endif %}
{% if lineitem.quotedprice == 0 %}PRICE NOT QUOTED{% else %}${{ lineitem.quotedprice|number_format(2) }}{% endif %} {% if lineitem.proofcost != 0 %} | Proof Cost: ${{ lineitem.proofcost|number_format(2) }}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Subtotal: ${{ subtotal }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}