{% extends '@App/uibase/subbase/tools-base.html.twig' %} {% block content_header %}TOOLS: TEMPLATES{% endblock %} {% block content %}
Not sure how to set up your document for print? Use our free print templates. No strings attached, no email required – just free printing templates. Enjoy!
These templates include guidelines that indicate bleed area, trim area, and image safety-zones. This will help prevent pre-press problems that might occur otherwise. We do not require that you use these templates — they are simply provided as a convenience to you!
This press-ready printing template defines proper document size, bleeds, trim marks, and fold/score marks to ensure your booklet is correctly set up. The trimmed document size is 11″ × 17″, which will result in pages sized to 8.5″ × 11″. Bleeds are set to an eighth of an inch (0.125″).
Please see our booklet printing page for pricing and product information.
In Illustrator, simply open the .eps files and begin building your booklet, using the guides and layers as a reference point.
In Photoshop, open either the .eps or .pdf files and click 'OK' in the Rasterize dialogue you will see upon opening the files. This will create a rasterized layer from which you can use as a reference as you build your document.
In InDesign, you will need to create a document as follows: Go to File > New > Document. Under Page Size, select Tabloid and click Landscape under Orientation (Or type '17 in' under Width and '11 in' under Height, without the quotes). Under Margins, set all margins to .125 in, and set all bleeds to .125 in. Then click 'Ok' to create the document. Now you may go to File > Place and place our template as your reference point, lining up the red area (the bleed) with the red bleed line in InDesign.
On the booklet template, you will see distinct areas:
Your inner pages will be placed during our preflight process. You need only to build them on the 8.5″ × 11″ Flyer template and we will handle the rest!
You may download the template as an EPS, PDF, or as a Zip file containing all versions.
This press-ready printing template defines proper document size, bleeds, trim marks, and fold/score marks to ensure your brochure is correctly set up. The trimmed document size is 8.5″ × 11″, which is the measurement of the brochure when completely flat (not folded). Each panel is roughly one third of the flat size, which results in six panels total. Bleeds are set to an eighth of an inch (0.125″).
Please see our brochure printing page for pricing and product information.
In Illustrator, simply open the .eps files and begin building your brochure, using the guides and layers as a reference point.
In Photoshop, open either the .eps or .pdf files and click 'OK' in the Rasterize dialogue you will see upon opening the files. This will create a rasterized layer from which you can use as a reference as you build your document.
In InDesign, you will need to create a document as follows: Go to File > New > Document. Under Width type '11 in' and under Height type '8.5 in', without the quotes. Under Margins, set all margins to .125 in, and set all bleeds to .125 in. Then click 'Ok' to create the document. Now you may go to File > Place and place our template as your reference point, lining up the red area (the bleed) with the red bleed line in InDesign.
On the brochure template, you will see distinct areas:
You may download the template as an EPS, PDF, or as a Zip file containing all versions.
This press-ready printing template defines proper document size, a alt="See 'Bleeds' on the ColorPro Printing FAQ" bleeds, trim marks to ensure your business card is correctly set up. The trimmed document size is 3.5″ × 2″. Bleeds are set to an eighth of an inch (0.125″).
Please see our business card printing page for pricing and product details.
In Illustrator, simply open the .eps files and begin building your business card, using the guides and layers as a reference point.
In Photoshop, open either the .eps or .pdf files and click 'OK' in the Rasterize dialogue you will see upon opening the files. This will create a rasterized layer from which you can use as a reference as you build your document.
In InDesign, you will need to create a document as follows: Go to File > New > Document. Under Page Size, select "US Business Card" and click Landscape under Orientation (Or type '3.5 in' under Width and '2 in' under Height, without the quotes). Under Margins, set all margins to .125 in, and set all bleeds to .125 in. Then click 'Ok' to create the document. Now you may go to File > Place and place our template as your reference point, lining up the red area (the bleed) with the red bleed line in InDesign.
On the business card template, you will see distinct areas:
You may download the template as an EPS, PDF, or as a Zip file containing all versions.
These press-ready printing templates define proper document size, bleeds, trim marks to ensure your door hanger is correctly set up. The trimmed document sizes are 3.5″ × 8.5″ and 4.25″ × 11″. Bleeds are set to an eighth of an inch (0.125″).
Please see our door hanger printing page for pricing and product details.
In Illustrator, simply open the .eps file and begin building your door hanger, using the guides and layers as a reference point.
In Photoshop, open either the .eps or .pdf file and click 'OK' in the Rasterize dialogue you will see upon opening the files. This will create a rasterized layer from which you can use as a reference as you build your document.
In InDesign, you will need to create a document as follows: Go to File > New > Document. If you are using the 3.5″ × 8.5″ template, set the width to '3.5 in' and the height to '8.5 in' (without the quotes). If you are using the 4.25″ × 11″ template, set the width to '4.25 in' and the height to '11 in' (again, without the quotes). Under Margins, set all margins to .125 in, and set all bleeds to .125 in. Then click 'Ok' to create the document. Now you may go to File > Place and place our template as your reference point, lining up the red area (the bleed) with the red bleed line in InDesign.
On the booklet template, you will see distinct areas:
You may download the template as an EPS, PDF, or as a Zip file containing all versions.
This press-ready printing template defines proper document size, bleeds, trim marks marks to ensure your flyer is correctly set up. The following document sizes are available with bleeds set to an eighth of an inch (0.125″):
Please see our flyer printing page for pricing and product information.
In Illustrator, simply open the .eps files and begin building your flyer, using the guides and layers as a reference point.
In Photoshop, open either the .eps or .pdf files and click 'OK' in the Rasterize dialogue you will see upon opening the files. This will create a rasterized layer from which you can use as a reference as you build your document.
In InDesign, you will need to create a document as follows: Go to File > New > Document. If using the 8.5″ × 11″ template, select Tabloid under Size (Or type '8.5 in' under Width and '11 in' under Height, without the quotes). If using the 8.5″ × 14″ template, select Legal under Size (Or type '8.5 in' under Width and '14 in' under Height, without the quotes). For either size, set all margins to .125 in, and set all bleeds to .125 in. Then click 'Ok' to create the document. Now you may go to File > Place and place our template as your reference point, lining up the red area (the bleed) with the red bleed line in InDesign.
On the flyer template, you will see distinct areas:
You may download the template as an EPS, PDF, or as a Zip file containing all versions.
This press-ready printing template defines proper document size, bleeds, trim marks, and fold/score marks to ensure your greeting card is correctly set up. The trimmed document size is 5.5″ × 8.5″. Bleeds are set to an eighth of an inch (0.125″).
Please see our greeting card printing page for pricing and product information.
In Illustrator, simply open the .eps files and begin building your greeting card, using the guides and layers as a reference point.
In Photoshop, open either the .eps or .pdf files and click 'OK' in the Rasterize dialogue you will see upon opening the files. This will create a rasterized layer from which you can use as a reference as you build your document.
In InDesign, you will need to create a document as follows: Go to File > New > Document. Under Page Size, select Letter-Half and click Portrait under Orientation (Or type '5.5 in' under Width and '8.5 in' under Height, without the quotes). Under Margins, set all margins to .125 in, and set all bleeds to .125 in. Then click 'Ok' to create the document. Now you may go to File > Place and place our template as your reference point, lining up the red area (the bleed) with the red bleed line in InDesign.
On the foldover card template, you will see distinct areas:
You may download the template as an EPS, PDF, or as a Zip file containing all versions.
These free press-ready printing templates define proper document size, bleeds, trim marks marks to ensure your postcard is correctly set up. The following document sizes are available with bleeds set to an eighth of an inch (0.125″):
Please see our postcard printing page for pricing and product information.
In Illustrator, simply open the .eps files and begin building your postcard, using the guides and layers as a reference point.
In Photoshop, open either the .eps or .pdf files and click 'OK' in the Rasterize dialogue you will see upon opening the files. This will create a rasterized layer from which you can use as a reference as you build your document.
In InDesign, you will need to create a document as follows: Go to File > New > Document. Your document size will vary based on the template you are using:
After you specified your document size in InDesign, set all margins to .125 in, and set all bleeds to .125 in. Then click 'Ok' to create the document. Now you may go to File > Place and place our template as your reference point, lining up the red area (the bleed) with the red bleed line in InDesign.
On the postcard templates, you will see distinct areas:
The Postal Service provides several guides online that detail information on mailing your postcards, including what classifies for postcard mailing rates versus letter mailing rates and physical requirements for your postcards.
As of September 2011, the 5.5″ × 4.25″ and 6.0″ × 4.0″ templates qualify for the cheaper postcard mailing rate, whereas the larger-sized templates will be classified as letters.
You may download the templates as EPS, PDF, or as a Zip file containing all versions.
These press-ready printing templates define proper document size, bleeds, trim marks marks to ensure your rack card is correctly set up. The following document sizes are available with bleeds set to an eighth of an inch (0.125″):
In Illustrator, simply open the .eps files and begin building your rack card, using the guides and layers as a reference point.
In Photoshop, open either the .eps or .pdf files and click 'OK' in the Rasterize dialogue you will see upon opening the files. This will create a rasterized layer from which you can use as a reference as you build your document.
In InDesign, you will need to create a document as follows: Go to File > New > Document. If using the 3.5″ × 8.5″ template, select Tabloid under Size (Or type '3.5 in' under Width and '8.5 in' under Height, without the quotes). If using the 4.25″ × 11″ template, select Legal under Size (Or type '4.25 in' under Width and '11 in' under Height, without the quotes). For either size, set all margins to .125 in, and set all bleeds to .125 in. Then click 'Ok' to create the document. Now you may go to File > Place and place our template as your reference point, lining up the red area (the bleed) with the red bleed line in InDesign.
On the rack card template, you will see distinct areas:
You may download the template as an EPS, PDF, or as a Zip file containing all versions.