Order Number: {{ so.id }} | {{ so.timestamp|date }}
ColorPro Printing
2415 E Mulberry St
Suite 7
Fort Collins, CO 80524
ph 970-482-6698

Order Contact:
{{ so.ocfname }} {{ so.oclname }}
{{ so.ocadd1 }}
{% if so.ocadd2 != '' %} {{ so.ocadd2 }}
{% endif %} {{ so.occity }}, {{ so.ocstate }} {{ so.oczip }}
{{ so.ocphone }}
{{ so.ocemail }}
Ship/Pickup Contact:
{{ so.shipfname }} {{ so.shiplname }}
{{ so.shipadd1 }}
{% if so.shipadd2 != '' %} {{ so.shipadd2 }}
{% endif %} {{ so.shipcity }}, {{ so.shipstate }} {{ so.shipzip }}
{{ so.shipphone }}
{{ so.shipemail }}

Billing Contact:
{{ so.billfname }} {{ so.billlname }}
{{ so.billadd1 }}
{% if so.billadd2 != '' %} {{ so.billadd2 }}
{% endif %} {{ so.billcity }}, {{ so.billstate }} {{ so.billzip }}
{% if so.ponumber != '' %}

Purchase Order #: {{ so.ponumber }}
{% else %}

{% endif %} {% if so.comments != '' %}

Order Level Comments:
{{ so.comments }}

{% else %}

{% endif %}
Shipping Method: {% if so.shiplabel != null or so.shiplabel != '' %} {{ so.shiplabel }} {% else %} You will need to make shipping/pickup arrangements for this order. {% endif %}

{% include '@App/content/ecompages/cart-items-review.html.twig' %}

Payment Information:
Invoice Payment Status: {{ so.pmtstatus }}
{% if so.payonaccount == 1 and hascustomitems == false %} You have chosen to charge this invoice to your account. Payment arrangements will need to be made for this order.
{% elseif so.payonaccount == 1 and hascustomitems == true %} Your order contained custom items. No payment was processed. Unless you marked "Quote before printing" we will start processing your order right away. You will need to make seperate shipping and payment arrangments.
{% elseif so.invoices is defined and so.invoices is not null %} Payments Made:
{% for invoice in so.invoices %} Amount Charged: {{ invoice.transactionamount }} Card Type: {{ invoice.cardtype }} Card Ending: {{ invoice.cardnumber }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}