{% extends 'CPPViawestPortalBundle:Default:base.html.twig' %} {% block title %}{{ clientheadertext }}{% endblock %} {% block pagecontent %}
Before you start your first order, remember to update your account information. We also recommend changing your password. You may complete these tasks by using the links on the menu under the account tab. If you plan to pay with a credit card, or ship to a location other than the ViaWest H.Q. you will need to create bill and ship profiles. If your shipping address is the same as your billing address you do not have to create a ship profile. Instead select the correct billing profile and check the "ship to billing" checkbox during the checkout procedure. If you have any questions, please reach out to your portal administrator. Your portal administrator may be contacted using the "contact portal admin" link located under the help & support menu section.
System Update Protocol: The print portal system has an ongoing maintenance window daily from 7:00pm to 8:00am. We encourage you to save all work prior to this maintenance window. You may use the system during this time if the system is available. We will do our best to alert you of any outages expected.